Being greeted by an healthy and confortable house, able to instill us serenity and wellness means choosing a place which represent us, which reflect our personality and our way of life.
For this, taking care of our own home means taking care of ourselves.
Fixtures, contact and excange points between the external and the internal space in which we live, are also lights passageways and elements which protect our privacy.
Impronta’s mission is always to create comfort and living quality designing a perfect residence in acustic, thermal, optic, hygrometric and biophysical terms. Fixtures represent a long-term investment which has an important impact on our home’s health and, consequently, on our psycophysical well-being.
How to improve the living comfort and wellness into our residences?
To reach the aforementioned goal we can act on 4 crucial factors:
– Temperature;
– Air quality;
– Light;
– Acoustic.
How to improve the living comfort: thermal insulation
Windows have an essential role on the demolition of the thermal trasmittance (that is the physical size which measure the quantity of thermal power an so the heat that pass from a specific material), allowing the increase of the house’s efficiency, wellness and energy saving, insulating spaces and increasing temperature exchange between inside and outside and the air quality.
Impronta fixtures stand out for the thermal insulation ability, which make them the ideal solution to protect the residence from mould and excessive humidity and to guarantee a more salubrious climate into the domestic walls.
How to improve the living comfort: acoustic insulation
The noise is a stressful element which can condition negatively the daily life. The acoustic insulation capacity of a window is expressed by the Rw value (in decibel): higher is the value, better is the performance and the acoustic insulation, that is the capacity to contain and neutralize the propagation off the noise. What does Impronta offers? Glasses with an high isolating power, thermo-acoustic gaskets, but especially a qualified installation performed in a workmanlike manner, operation that affect for 80% on a fixture’s performances.
How to improve the living comfort: security
The house must be adequately protected and safeguarded from burglary and breaking attempts. The hardware is one of the most important elements to guarantee the security of doors and windows: every fixture is classified according to its burglary resistance by an acronym from RC1 to RC6.
Impronta, always careful to the issue of security, recommends customers the RC1 security and offers the possibility to install on its fixtures anti-burglary, anti-vandalism, and anti-crime stratified glasses and to provide its product with alarm sensors and with anti-intrusion bars to connect with the security system of the house to further elevate the residence protection level.
How to improve the living comfort: design
Fixtures are furnishing elements which can valorize the house style reflecting the essence and the personality of who live there. They are the fil rouge between the interior design and the external architecture of the house. Impronta is particularly careful to this theme and it works closely with professionals and designer and architecture studies to give shape to unique fixtures, decor completion with refined and minimalist design which valorize details combining appearance, functionality and solidity.
How to improve the living comfort: brilliance
Many studies prove that our mood is positively conditioned from the natural light we benefit during the day, both in terms of living comfort and productivity.
The law establish that, for each type of house, the aeroilluminant ratio, that is the ratio which relate windows and floor surfaces, mustn’t be less than 1/8, in order to guarantee a correct and proportionate light supply into every space.
In Impronta’s wide offer you can choose from different fixture lines characterized by large windows glasses and slim and minimal glasses, types of fixtures which permit a better exploitation of the natural illumination and a continuity between outdoor and indoor space.