Tutto quello che vorreste sapere sul SuperBonus 110%

E’ il momento giusto per dotare le abitazioni nuove o vecchie di nuovi infissi!
Il Decreto Rilancio in vigore dal 1 luglio 2020 fino al 31 dicembre 2021 offre la possibilità di effettuare lavori per migliorare l’efficienza energetica del proprio immobile recuperando in cinque anni, come credito d’imposta, il 110% della spesa sostenuta. Impronta è in grado di di proporvi una gamma di prodotti che sono al massimo della qualità, tutti in grado di raggiungere i requisiti termici previsti per poter usufruire del Superbonus 110% o del Bonus 50%.In particolare quelli della gamma alluminio Aluxima Plus e Crystal Plus, la collezione Duoxima e Compact nella produzione legno/alluminio e la collezione Maxima 70-80-90 nella gamma legno.
Impronta mette a disposizione una struttura di specialisti in grado di orientare le vostre scelte e di guidarvi nella corretta formulazione delle domande di riconoscimento del Superbonus 110%, aiutandovi a sciogliere ogni dubbio.
Se decidete di sostituire soltanto gli infissi (senza effettuare altri lavori di miglioria termica o senza poter raggiungere il miglioramento di 2 classi energetiche) resta valida la detrazione prevista del 50%. L’eco bonus sarà detraibile in questo caso in 10 anni, sotto forma di detrazione fiscale.
Rientra nel Superbonus 110% (come nell’Ecobonus del 50%) la fornitura e posa in opera di:

• finestre
• porte finestre
• porte d’ingresso
• scuri, persiane, avvolgibili, cassonetti (se solidali con l’infisso) e suoi elementi accessori, purché tale sostituzione avvenga simultaneamente a quella degli infissi
• tende da sole (a condizione che non siano orientate a nord).

Superbonus 110%

Proteggiamo al meglio i vostri infissi con l’assicurazione Impronta Safety Glass

Impronta, in collaborazione con ASSCO Broker srl, riserva un privilegio esclusivo ai propri Clienti: una copertura assicurativa a tutela dei propri serramenti in aggiunta alla normale garanzia di legge.
I vostri Infissi saranno tutelati in modo completo, liberandovi da ogni pensiero per i prossimi 2 anni, con una protezione… ad ampio raggio.

Impronta Safety Glass è semplice, lineare e offre la massima trasparenza, poiché copre tutto quello che non è esplicitamente escluso dalle Condizioni di Assicurazione. Tuteliamo i vostri Infissi per due anni dalla firma del collaudo. Impronta Safety Glass prevede un indennizzo in caso di danni:

• Diretti: derivanti, ad esempio, da incendio, fenomeni, atmosferici, grandine, alluvione, terremoto.
• Elettrici, guasti elettrici ed elettronici, sovratensioni elettriche ai motori elettrici (fino a 5.000 Euro).
• Urti accidentali.
• Shock termico.
• Danni causati dai ladri fino a 5.000 Euro.

Scarica brochure

Safety in windows and doors: Impronta’s solutions

Nowadays it’s essential to guarantee tranquility and well-being in every part of the house.

For this reason, all Impronta products offer the RC1 safety class as standard, also offering the possibility of strengthening it, on request, with the more performing RC2. The Resistance Class 1, in particular, has mushroom-shaped locking pins and safety strikers on all four corners. In this way the pins remain in their position on the frame, thus guaranteeing a tear-proof solution.

In addition to the main security systems, the Impronta’s solutions are designed to insert alarm sensors and anti-intrusion bars, if needed. This attention dedicated to protection can also be found in the possibility of installing anti-burglary, anti-vandalism and anti-crime laminated glass in the frames. Solutions that are often used in banks, post offices or shops, but that can help delay or dissuade any intrusion in the houses too.

In detail, the protection offered by glass depends on two factors: the thickness of the glass and the PVB, that is the intermediate layer that holds the different layers of glass together. Furthermore, the UNI EN 356 standard is useful for classifying laminated glass in 8 different safety levels.

The glasses are therefore among the components of the fixtures that most participate in the safety and protection of the home, together with the hardware and any additional alarm systems or anti-intrusion bars. Blackout systems, on the other hand, can contribute to a perceived greater safety if the choice of their reinforced versions is preferred.

Convinced that, in addition to design, safety is the main feature sought in a frame, Impronta ensures reliable and customizable solutions that contribute to the defense of your spaces.

Eco-sustainability: sharing an ideal

Sharing an imprint on an eco-sustainable vision of everyday life within the company, in the adoption of production solutions that favour this attitude and enhance it, is maximum. The company has directed each production phase according to criteria of maximum eco-compatibility, from the selection of wood from certified forests to the cutting processes optimized to avoid product waste up to the exclusive use of water-based paints, to closed recirculation systems of water and the ecological treatment of waste and company refuse.
All this is combined with the ease of total recycling of waste materials used for production and careful internal practices for the use (at all levels) of recyclable materials.

Bioclimatic pergolas: what they are and what advantages they bring

Experience the outdoors at any time of the day and in any weather condition.
If your dream is to have a place to feel in touch with the external environment, relax and enjoy naturethroughout the year, both in summer and in winter, bioclimatic pergolas are the perfect answer to your desire.


What are bioclimatic pergolas?


These innovative roofing systems, in fact, are composed of retractable and adjustable aluminium sunshade blades, which allow you to adjust the brightness and ventilation, recreating ideal conditions inside and guaranteeing a unique mix of well-being and aesthetics.
Depending on your needs, the spaces at your disposal and the place where you want to install this solution, you can choose between an attached pergola, which joins the body of the house, becoming the natural continuation outside the house, or a self-supporting pergola, equipped with four supports, which forms a single and elf contained unit, an island of relaxation within the garden.



What are the advantages of a bioclimatic pergola?


  • It improves the aesthetics and liveability of the house, adding a touch of class and integrating perfectly into the context in which it is inserted.
  • It is a real extra room, which can be furnished as desired and serve as a living room, dining room, solarium or study.
  • It is a guarantee
  • of sustainability: aluminium is an ecological and 100% recyclable material.
  • It ensures significant energy savings: if fitted against a wall, in fact, it protects from the sun’s rays during the summer and guarantees a greater supply of heat on cold winter days.
  • It can be completed with closing systems with curtains or integrated windows to make the most of this outdoor space and provide the right protection.
  • It is the perfect system to enhance gardens, rooftops and terraces: it can be installed quickly and requires very little maintenance.
  • Impronta bioclimatic pergolas:


technology at the service of maximum comfort


In collaboration with Skymatik, Impronta offers a selected range of premium bioclimatic pergolas, high-end products made to measure according to the different needs and requirements of each customer and with a high degree of customization thanks to the wide choice of colours, options and closures. These systems, with modern and functional design, are characterised by slim and minimal lines, whilst at the same time, ensure resistance and robustness thanks to the thick profiles.
The added value of our products? The constant and careful search for the best materials, the most resistant paints, the most performing components and accessories and the most innovative technical-constructive solutions.
Make your pergola unique by customizing it with numerous options and accessories such as LED lights, rapid vertical zip blinds, audio systems and a wide range of sensor accessories that automate the structure.
Furthermore, thanks to the partnership with EMU, a reference brand in the world of outdoor design furniture, the Impronta consultants are at your disposal to help you with the design of the outdoor furnitureof your bioclimatic pergola.



Bioclimatic pergolas: wellness, style and innovation.


Find out more

Why choose aluminium frames

The youngest of metals used in industry, one of the most widespread elements in nature… what material are we talking about? Aluminium. Infinitely reusable and 100% recyclable, it is corrosion resistant and stands out for its remarkable reflective capacity.
Due to its unique characteristics and the great advantages it provides, aluminium is also one of the most used materials in the production of doors and windows, thanks to its high resistance. In fact, this material allows to enlarge the design possibilities and create bigger windows and fixtures with an original shape, without compromising the stability and durability of the window in any way.


Let’s find out together the 4 excellent reasons for choosing aluminium windows!


Customization and design

The windows have become real furnishing elements of the house, which integrate harmoniously with the other features of the home. Since aluminium is a light and very flexible material, it is possible to create design fixtures of any shape and size, which can be customized with infinite combinations of colours and finishes, thus adapting to the style and aesthetic peculiarities of any environment.



Respect for the environment

Installingaluminium frames with thermal break, synonymous of excellent performance in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation, allows you to improve the energy efficiency of the home and, consequently, obtain significant economic savings. Another important reason for choosing aluminium windows is that it is a hyper-sustainable material that can be reused indefinitely to give life to new products every time.


Practicality and durability

Aluminium is a material that is minimally subject to oxidation, with unparalleled mechanical stability. The fixtures made with this metal ensure a very long life and require very little maintenance. Versatile, resistant to wear, corrosion and atmospheric agents, it is easy to clean and maintains its colour unchanged.


Greater luminosity

he sturdiness that distinguishes this metal gives the possibility to create windows with thinner profiles compared to other materials, solutions that allow you to make the most of natural lighting inside the home, creating a harmonious and continuous dialogue between the indoor environment and outdoor spaces. The inhabitants of the house will be able to enjoy not only fixtures with a very beautiful, slim and minimal design, but also of a greater well-being, as shown by numerous studies on the positive effects that natural light has on our bodies.






Impronta was born as a company dealing with the residential sector and, over time, has been able to preserve this essence, also specialising in the aluminium sector, equipping itself with cutting-edge machinery, in line withIndustry 4.0, for the processing and creating of windows, real furnishing accessories for your home.
We are your partner for creating unique architectural solutions: our thermal break windows of the aluminium and minimal collections integrate perfectly with the design of the house, embellishing and giving it an original and timeless style.
The perfect combination of aesthetics, materials and chromaticscreate a harmonious and balanced dialogue with the other elements of the home.


Impronta aluminium doors and windows stand out because they offer as standard series:

  • concealed hinges which give added elegance to the doors and make the frame complete, without any interruption;
  • RC1 burglar-proof system, guarantee of security and protection against malicious intruders;
  • minimal profiles, more natural light, a fundamental ingredient for our psychophysical well-being;
  • seaside treatment, certified by the QUALICOAT quality mark, internationally recognized in the field of painted aluminium used in architecture;
  • thermal break, synonymous with excellent performance in terms of thermal insulation.


Give more value to your home with Impronta aluminium frames!

Contact us to request more information and to receive a quote!


In close collaboration with construction companies: La Construzione srl

Every day Impronta windows and doors undertakes the development of targeted products and solutions that fully meet the needs of builders. The construction sites are the continuous testing ground to assess our knowledge, quality of products and level of service.

What has been our latest challenge? Our partnership with La Construction srl building company, engaged in the recovery of a building located in via Venezia, in the heart of the city of San Donà di Piave.



Invest in the future by fixing the past!

The project, which was created with the aim of redeveloping this important area that is slowly changing face, is part of a broader and more complex plan that provides for a profound renewal of the Venetian town. The construction company decided to invest its energies in this structure because it is located in a strategic position, close to all the main services, in a neighbourhood involved in various structural operations that will bring added value to the entire area.

The residence is located a few steps from the centre and the new North Gate. The intent of La Costruzioni srl, a real estate company founded in 2000 by the partners of Simel srl, was to create a modern building, characterised by high energy efficiency apartments and able to enhance the neighbourhood in which it is located, a beautiful building to see and live in.



Hence a project was born, characterised by clean lines and play of light that points towards the sky, enhanced by the transparency of the minimal high-end Xtravision Plus windows by Impronta, aluminium windows with thermal break and sliding system. The interior doors are also of considerable value, with cutting-edge solutions coordinated with the fixtures and fittings.
Our proposals are inspired by a minimal and refined design, which enhances the details of aesthetics, functionality and durability.



We combine experience and production capacity to offer the customer a punctual and tailor-made service. Careful selection of raw materials and attention to detail: this is the real added value of our company.
Each Impronta project stands out for its particular tailoring, meticulousness and capability of responding to the requests of professionals.




Design solutions and consistency between inside and outside

Large windows that visually increase the spaces and let natural light into the rooms!
Lots and lots of glass. Really thin profiles.

Today, modern architecture puts home design before new and captivating challenges. In particular, an engaging connection between the internal and external environment is sought after. Thanks to the minimal profiles, our Xtravision Plus fixtures allow you to open up spaces and create bright environments where natural light becomes the protagonist. Quality, materials and large windows perfectly combine the use of natural light with high thermal and acoustic insulation, giving the building an exclusive aesthetic value.
Perchè scegliere gli infissi in alluminio?



New volumes for a functional outdoor space with a distinctive design.
The internal environments of the house and the external spaces become something unique with our bioclimatic pergolas. The adjustable blades are able to transform the outdoor environment into a place to live all year round. Thanks to their clean and elegant design, they succeed in enhancing and embellishing the architecture of the home.

The secret of the adjustable blades?
when rotated in a slightly open position, they create a subtle and pleasant breeze and block direct sunlight; when closed, they shelter from the rain, while the water flows into the integrated downspouts.
What are bioclimatic pergolas and what are the advantages?

Impronta’s fixtures, a wellness choice

Being greeted by an healthy and confortable house, able to instill us serenity and wellness means choosing a place which represent us, which reflect our personality and our way of life.

For this, taking care of our own home means taking care of ourselves.

Fixtures, contact and excange points between the external and the internal space in which we live, are also lights passageways and elements which protect our privacy.

Impronta’s mission is always to create comfort and living quality designing a perfect residence in acustic, thermal, optic, hygrometric and biophysical terms. Fixtures represent a long-term investment which has an important impact on our home’s health and, consequently, on our psycophysical well-being.

How to improve the living comfort and wellness into our residences?
To reach the aforementioned goal we can act on 4 crucial factors:

– Temperature;
– Air quality;
– Light;­
– Acoustic.

How to improve the living comfort: thermal insulation
Windows have an essential role on the demolition of the thermal trasmittance (that is the physical size which measure the quantity of thermal power an so the heat that pass from a specific material), allowing the increase of the house’s efficiency, wellness and energy saving, insulating spaces and increasing temperature exchange between inside and outside and the air quality.

Impronta fixtures stand out for the thermal insulation ability, which make them the ideal solution to protect the residence from mould and excessive humidity and to guarantee a more salubrious climate into the domestic walls.

How to improve the living comfort: acoustic insulation
The noise is a stressful element which can condition negatively the daily life. The acoustic insulation capacity of a window is expressed by the Rw value (in decibel): higher is the value, better is the performance and the acoustic insulation, that is the capacity to contain and neutralize the propagation off the noise. What does Impronta offers? Glasses with an high isolating power, thermo-acoustic gaskets, but especially a qualified installation performed in a workmanlike manner, operation that affect for 80% on a fixture’s performances.

How to improve the
living comfort: security
The house must be adequately protected and safeguarded from burglary and breaking attempts. The hardware is one of the most important elements to guarantee the security of doors and windows: every fixture is classified according to its burglary resistance by an acronym from RC1 to RC6.

Impronta, always careful to the issue of security, recommends customers the RC1 security and offers the possibility to install on its fixtures anti-burglary, anti-vandalism, and anti-crime stratified glasses and to provide its product with alarm sensors and with anti-intrusion bars to connect with the security system of the house to further elevate the residence protection level.

How to improve the
living comfort: design
Fixtures are furnishing elements which can valorize the house style reflecting the essence and the personality of who live there. They are the fil rouge between the interior design and the external architecture of the house. Impronta is particularly careful to this theme and it works closely with professionals and designer and architecture studies to give shape to unique fixtures, decor completion with refined and minimalist design which valorize details combining appearance, functionality and solidity.

How to improve the living comfort: brilliance
Many studies prove that our mood is positively conditioned from the natural light we benefit during the day, both in terms of living comfort and productivity.

The law establish that, for each type of house, the aeroilluminant ratio, that is the ratio which relate windows and floor surfaces, mustn’t be less than 1/8, in order to guarantee a correct and proportionate light supply into every space.

In Impronta’s wide offer you can choose from different fixture lines characterized by large windows glasses and slim and minimal glasses, types of fixtures which permit a better exploitation of the natural illumination and a continuity between outdoor and indoor space.

The entrance is a story of continuity between inside and outside. How to customize it?

In a home, design, safety and isolation all pass through the front door. Impronta pays particular attention to ensuring a wide and accurate selection of doors for its customers.
For individuals, professionals and businesses, it may be useful to get to know all the aspects to consider when choosing an entrance solution.
This Focus is dedicated to the entrance and rethinking its value for each home. Here, what we are going to deepen:


Material. To give shape to every project

Safety. To protect indoor environments and their privacy

Isolation. Sensitivity for consumption and energy impact




The front door is the way in which our house looks on the outside and is also an architectural element to ensure harmony in the facade of the house, where the balance between the architecture and all its parts is given by the dialogue between the entrance and the volumes of the structure.
Each entrance must be an opportunity to tell about one’s home. Colors and style are the two initial choices to best express this concept.
Impronta offers a wide choice of solutions, classic but rethought in a more current mood, innovative and customized in the details:


From idea to form: the possibilities of each project


Matter can give life to ideas, just like materials, in this case, can give shape to any project.

Aluminum: an opportunity to give continuity to the architecture and a more contemporary soul at the entrance, ensuring insulation and excellent safety.

Wood: natural character for a more traditional, warm and safe style. Wood also offers optimal thermal insulation.

Customized Solutions: to seek harmony between the various architectural elements with an entrance designed to amaze and welcome.



Isolation. Sensitivity for energy consumption


The entrance door is certainly one of the widest and most used access points to the home, so it must ensure adequate insulation.
In this choice, the materials play a decisive role with their qualities. The thermo-acoustic properties of wood and aluminum, but also glass, are crucial for the insulation of the house.
And speaking of insulation, it is also important to shift attention to the effects on your home: a possible reduction in energy consumption and therefore environmental impact.
A choice of sustainability also concerns the entrance door.



Safety. To protect indoor environments and their privacy

Security is one of the most important aspects of entrance solutions. Its first function is to protect interior spaces, their value and privacy from the outside.
When choosing the entrance, it is good to evaluate the resistance to burglary. Characteristic that is regulated by European standards in classes of belonging, from 1 to 6.
The value grows with increasing resistance and, for homes, classes 3 or 4 are recommended.
In addition, various options such as the peephole, an electronic opening by fingerprint or code, and a defender can improve the security of the door.
These suggestions dedicated to the most relevant aspects of an entrance solution are just a starting point for making your choice. To get all the specifications, you can count on the careful and accurate assistance of Impronta, with a consultant at your disposal.