Impronta essences – Red Grandis

It is said to be “the most important part of something”, its substance. In philosophy, what a thing is is what it is.

That’s why the essence for Impronta has a fundamental value: it distinguishes the peculiarities of wood, both in appearance and use and allows us to design versatile and customized realizations. The importance of wood in the production of frames is therefore a central criterion because the choice of the essence corresponds to a certain finish and a well-defined aesthetic line.

Of the Eucalyptus family, native to Australia, the Red Grandis is mainly cultivated in the areas of South America, with trees reaching heights of 50 meters, but can also reach 80. Harvested after about 20-25 years of growth, the tree can reach up to 250 cm in diameter. Its particular color catches the attention, ranging from almost white to light pink or dark red.

Its specific weight is 575 kg/mc, which makes it easy to work, and has a coefficient of thermal transmission of 0.13 W/mk, which ensures excellent thermal performance. It resists well to the action of insects and is therefore a material that is also suitable for outdoor use.

Natural beauty, excellent insulation, long-lasting and expression of a welcoming and precious aesthetic, this essence lends itself well to the realization of Impronta windows, a company that has its origins in woodworking.

With the Red Grandis, there are considerable advantages to the design of a living solution. An essence with unique characteristics, including:

  • Versatility
  • Ease of processing and modeling
  • 100% FSC certified®
  • Absolute aesthetics
  • Excellent thermal performance
  • Resistant to dents and scratches

At Impronta, we choose materials with care and dedication, to be the expression of our customers’ projects but also the opportunity for a sustainable choice for our planet.

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ARK’it – Architect Andrea Rossetti

An architect, designer and traveller, who lived and worked in Barcelona from 2006 to 2012 where he developed his network with various architectural firms and specialized in the design of hospitals and accommodation facilities.
In 2012 he moved to Toronto in Canada where he collaborated with one of the largest interior design companies in the capital, which allowed him to perfection his talents in the residential field, even within complex multi-storey structures (high-rise buildings).
In 2014 he returned to Italy and became an integral part of ARK’it. International and cosmopolitan influences, combined with contemporary trends together with a great passion for aesthetics and detail which define his way of doing design and architecture.

Mimetiko Architects

An architecture studio founded in 2013 by architects Giuseppe Battistutta and Mauro Cusin.
The studio deals in particular with residential architectural design and interior architecture.
The philosophy of Mimetiko Architects is aimed at the continuous search for a contemporary architectural style that adapts to the needs of the client and that at the same time fits with a formal order in the urban context of the work, all with particular attention to the study of materials and details.

Via Triestina Bassa 86
30020 / Eraclea / Ve
T +39 0421 302375

MTMA architetti associati

MTMA Architetti Associati deals with architectural design at various scales: from the urban scale to the single building, with experience in urban regeneration and building recovery processes, both in the private and public spheres.
The associated firm was born in 2019 as a point of arrival after a structured path that saw the founding members work together as a group for more than 6 years and develop their own areas of expertise in synergy and specialization.
The studio develops and follows private and public projects at different scales, from urban design to
architectural design, from restoration to interior design. MTMA Architetti Associati is currently involved in numerous urban regeneration projects with various institutional bodies through specific projects involving the redevelopment of public structures, interventions on urban spaces, public roads and interventions on industrial buildings to be converted at a functional, energy and social level.
The partners of the firm are architects Marco Bozzetto, Tommaso Gasparini and Marcello Pagnan.
“We are convinced that being architects and making architecture these days is not just a job but a ‘profession ‘: a new craft, artisan and cultural, which leads to a broader reasoning, of deepening between different disciplines and interaction with various professions. ”

Architettura – Interni – Visual design
Via Sile 24, interno 23
31033 Castelfranco Veneto, TV – I
T: +39 329 8568966
Sito web:

Studio Architetti Giampietro e Stefano Cinel

In 25 years of activity, the studio has carried out the design of residential, commercial and restoration buildings, and has also collaborated with companies for interior projects and designing furniture and furnishing accessories.
There has also been in these areas an intense searching for a minimal but at the same time composite architecture, made up of continuous details to achieve a precious and above all functional result for the final client.
Referring to a phrase by Le Corbusier “Architecture is the skilful, rigorous and magnificent play of volumes under the light”

Via Edmondo De Amicis n. 21/a
31033 Castelfranco Veneto
tel. 0423/493816

Didonè Comacchio Architects

Paolo Didonè

Paolo Didonè was born in Bassano del Grappa in 1983. In 2007 he graduated in Architecture for the City at the IUAV and began his collaboration with Sergio Pascolo Architects. In 2009 he opened his own studio in Rosà, in the province of Vicenza, where, in 2013, architect Devvy Comacchio joined.


Devvy Comacchio

Devvy Comacchio was born in Singapore in 1982. In 2007 he graduated in Architecture for the City at the IUAV and started working for Benetton Retail Department and collaborating with various Italian and international firms. A permanent collaboration with architect Paolo Didonè began in



Studio Maurizio

Studio Maurizio deals with architectural and urban planning. In particular, personal experience has been developed in the urban construction sector in search of the multiple nuances concerning the meaning of Universal Design that can lead to an inclusive and accessible design.
Constantly updated on the possibilities offered by energy bonuses (50% -65% – 110%)

Stefano Maurizio graduated in architecture in 1989 at the IUAV University of Venice, obtaining the qualification to practice as an architect in the same year.
In 1990 he began as a freelance and owner of the homonymous architectural firm, developing activities in the construction sectors, both public and private, and in the planning sector and urban redevelopment.
In the field of architecture, Stefano has particularly deepened his knowledge in experimenting innovative solutions in social – welfare construction, Universal Design, accessible and inclusive design also in the urban and natural environments of landscape and environmental relief .
In parallel to his freelance profession, he also performs consultancy for technicians (public administration and professionals) and for those in particular need of assistance for spaces studied ad hoc.

Stefano also teaches in the field of professional training of technicians, public and private, and at university. Alongside these initiatives he participates as a speaker at numerous scientific conferences and seminars.

Architect Alberto Zamai, has been collaborating with the Stefano Maurizio architecture studio since 2000 in various sectors: public and private construction and urban planning, taking care of both the design phase and that of construction management and accounting.
He also deals with interior architecture and street furniture.
Since 2004 he has also been a Safety Coordinator in the design and execution phase.

Marco Alessi | Architetto TIXA Studio Associato

The range of our works includes interventions at all scales, from architecture to engineering, from interior fitting to product design, developed with a sensitive approach to the themes of recovery and transformation of the existing.
Each project comes to life from a research on the context and the peculiarities of the space in which we find ourselves working, with a view to knowing its limits and merits, improving its quality and giving shape to a result in harmony with places and people.

Sito web:

Studio Quattropiulab architettura – interior design – visual reserch

Via del Gelsolino 38/C – Vittorio Veneto -TV

We created our studio in a creative space by renovating an old warehouse, where open spaces and high ceilings favour the development of ideas. The studio is made up of two architects Paolo Piccin and Enrico de Conti and a visual artist, Pierluigi Slis who deals with the part of interior finishes, visual research, art. We deal with architecture, interior design, design of premises thanks to the master in HO.RE.CA (hotel-restaurant-cafè) art, design and everything that revolves around the world of construction. With a passion towards bio-architecture, we think of the project as the union of forms and functions built around the person.

Studio Architettura Scattola Associati

After a few years of individual professional experience gained mostly in residential construction, Agostino Scattola and Dimitri Simeoni founded the Scattola Associati Architecture Studio in 2006. In this form they carry out public and private works, renovations and restorations by participating in architecture competitions for the construction of buildings and infrastructures. Aware that designing means dealing with transformations, thus creating along the way not only economic values ​​but also relationships, aesthetic and technological qualities, they interpret each project with attention to functional characteristics, relationships with the context and all the technical aspects involved.
The main works include the Municipality of Rossano Veneto (VI), the completion of the Citadel of Justice in Bassano del Grappa (VI), the latter in collaboration with the architect Boris Podrecca and the urban redevelopment of the centers of Pedemonte (VI).
The firm provides the following design and consultancy services: architectural and landscape design, preliminary, definitive, executive design, construction and safety management, restoration and renovation of monumental buildings, requalification of public spaces and roads, topographic surveys and cadastral practices.

Scattola e Associati
Via Castion, 9
Rossano Veneto (VI) – 36028
T. F. 0424 540028
Sito web:
P.IVA 032801900244